1. Attendees
    1. Keri Landeiro (President)
    2. Rafael Landeiro (Secretary)
    3. Leslie Woods (Treasurer)
    4. Yessenia Murillo (Title 1 Rep)
    5. Courtney Knights
    6. Luis Jairo
    7. Steve Katz
    8. William Wells
    9. Marissa Brookes
    10. Dana Sacco
    11. Kristin Rae
    12. Larry Busching
    13. Elena Elfe
    14. Paulina Vivian
  2. Call to Order
    1. 5:42pm
  3. Reading and Approval of Minutes
    1. Approved
  4. President’s Report
    1. SLT
      1. PS368 Middle School updates
        1. Keri and Rafael Landeiro attended the Joint Public Hearing and shared concerns about space for afterschool rooms and providing for PS153 5th graders to have a preferred admissions to the PS368 Middle School.
        2. Rafael spoke with Lenoie regarding classroom sizes and if the expansion prevents PS153 from decreasing classroom sizes.
        3. Final vote will be during a PEP hearing on 12/20. It is open to the public. The vote is still subject to appeal.
    2. District 6
      1. PS48 hosting a community Hack-a-thon for all families12/16/23
    3. Picture Day updates
      1. Pictures to be distributed the following week
    4. Uniform recycling
      1. Thank you to all parents who have contributed
      2. Note that the PA has the option to change the uniform color
        1. No parent comment or questions on changing the colors
        2. If parents are interested, the PA can help put together options for a vote
      3. Uniforms being collected through next Thursday, wash them and get them ready for January
    5. Principal Coffee Hour
      1. Started last Thursday
      2. Open to all parents
      3. 1st Thursday of every month 7:30-8:30am at the Book Nook
    6. Programming plans
      1. Review of programs being planned
      2. Teacher Appreciation Lunch will be planned for May
    7. Annual Winter Show reminder
      1. Parents are welcome to attend on 12/21/23
      2. Children performers are from K-5, not 3K and Pre-K
  5. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Financial report
      1. Current balance: $9,931.44
        1. Current balance includes all picture day collection
        2. PA still needs to pay estimate $4,774 to Real Photos
    2. Title 1 programming
      1. Title 1 funding to help empower parents
      2. Last year funding used for ESL and technology classes for families
      3. Adding a family nutrition class from Allergic to Salad
        1. Class size is about 30 students and may be limited to 5th grade
  6. Committee Reports
    1. Community
      1. Parents can recommend local vendors for partnerships and gift card giveaways
    2. Budget
      1. PA looking for assistance to organize Spring fundraisers
    3. School
      1. Need volunteers for uniform collections and washing
    4. Membership
      1. Opportunities to have parent volunteers during PA events
  7. New Business
    1. New York Presbyterian Hospital has reached out to offer a grant.
      1. Keri to follow-up
  8. Gift Card Drawing!
    1. Winners: Courtney online and Elena in-person
  9. Adjournment
    1. 6:15pm

2023 Dec Meeting Presentation