- Attendees
- Keri Landeiro (President)
- Rafael Landeiro (Secretary)
- Leslie Woods (Treasurer)
- Yessenia Murillo (Title 1 Rep)
- Courtney Knights
- Luis Jairo
- Steve Katz
- William Wells
- Marissa Brookes
- Dana Sacco
- Kristin Rae
- Larry Busching
- Elena Elfe
- Paulina Vivian
- Call to Order
- 5:42pm
- Reading and Approval of Minutes
- Approved
- President’s Report
- PS368 Middle School updates
- Keri and Rafael Landeiro attended the Joint Public Hearing and shared concerns about space for afterschool rooms and providing for PS153 5th graders to have a preferred admissions to the PS368 Middle School.
- Rafael spoke with Lenoie regarding classroom sizes and if the expansion prevents PS153 from decreasing classroom sizes.
- Final vote will be during a PEP hearing on 12/20. It is open to the public. The vote is still subject to appeal.
- District 6
- PS48 hosting a community Hack-a-thon for all families12/16/23
- Picture Day updates
- Pictures to be distributed the following week
- Uniform recycling
- Thank you to all parents who have contributed
- Note that the PA has the option to change the uniform color
- No parent comment or questions on changing the colors
- If parents are interested, the PA can help put together options for a vote
- Uniforms being collected through next Thursday, wash them and get them ready for January
- Principal Coffee Hour
- Started last Thursday
- Open to all parents
- 1st Thursday of every month 7:30-8:30am at the Book Nook
- Programming plans
- Review of programs being planned
- Teacher Appreciation Lunch will be planned for May
- Annual Winter Show reminder
- Parents are welcome to attend on 12/21/23
- Children performers are from K-5, not 3K and Pre-K
- Treasurer’s Report
- Financial report
- Current balance: $9,931.44
- Current balance includes all picture day collection
- PA still needs to pay estimate $4,774 to Real Photos
- Title 1 programming
- Title 1 funding to help empower parents
- Last year funding used for ESL and technology classes for families
- Adding a family nutrition class from Allergic to Salad
- Class size is about 30 students and may be limited to 5th grade
- Committee Reports
- Community
- Parents can recommend local vendors for partnerships and gift card giveaways
- Budget
- PA looking for assistance to organize Spring fundraisers
- School
- Need volunteers for uniform collections and washing
- Membership
- Opportunities to have parent volunteers during PA events
- New Business
- New York Presbyterian Hospital has reached out to offer a grant.
- Keri to follow-up
- Gift Card Drawing!
- Winners: Courtney online and Elena in-person
- Adjournment
- 6:15pm
2023 Dec Meeting Presentation