2024-02-09 Meeting Minutes

  1. Attendees (3 board & 6 parents)
    1. Keri Landeiro (President, joining remote)
    2. Leslie Wells (Treasurer, joining remote)
    3. Rafael Landeiro (Secretary)
    4. Nicole Thorpe
    5. Courtney Knight
    6. Steve Katz
    7. Fran Katz
    8. Disleiry Benitez
    9. Miriam Bemiter
  2. Call to Order: 5:36pm
  3. Reading and Approval of Minutes
    1. Approved
  4. President’s Report
    1. District 6 Events
      1. Life Savings Skills workshop being held at PS48
        1. Over 180 parents signed-up from District 6
        2. Parents are scan QR code or visit PA website to register
        3. Flyers available in English and Spanish
      2. Mental Health Day planned
        1. To address bullying in school and social media use
        2. Planned for 3/2 also in PS48
    2. Proposed Programs
      1. Review of upcoming PA programming
        1. Game Night – February
        2. Puppet Show – March
        3. Book Fair – April
        4. Embroidery – TBD
        5. Teacher Appreciation Lunch – May
        6. NY Historical Society – March
        7. Sugar Hill Children’s Museum – May
        8. Parents Finance Workshop – June
          1. Bodega Finance Workshop – June
      2. Goal to bring programming for all grade levels.
    3. Game Night Recap
      1. Event prior Friday
      2. Room completed filled, kids loved it
      3. Moving to cafeteria next time on March 22nd
      4. PA needs parent volunteers
      5. Plan to have games for all grades 3K-5 and popcorn
      6. Family Game Night is free, at no cost to families
    4. Monthly Events
      1. Title 1 classes (ELL & Tech): Good turnout with 9-13 parents
      2. Valentines Day Fundraiser
        1. Call for parent volunteer to assist with selling PA Valentines
        2. Spent $530 in materials and shipping. If all are sold, the PA can raise $675
        3. Question: are they available for parents not available at pick-up.
          1. Yes: The valentines can be pre-ordered and will be available for sale throughout the afternoon
      3. Parents Forum
        1. Current plans to redevelop 1727 Amsterdam Ave by the BRC
        2. The PA invited the BRC to a Parent’s Forum on March 6
        3. Question: Is it now a drug treatment program?
          1. Answer: It is a combination of healthcare groups: Emma Bowen, specialized school, eye care, Heritage Healthcare.
      4. Next Principal coffee hour: 3/7. Principal Matos available to answer questions.
      5. Book Fair: Scheduled for 4/16-18
        1. Planning to have events along with the fair, including story time with family or friends. Maybe superhero theme day
        2. Goal for children to get books at fair and read them during Spring Recess
      6. Finance Workshop: Planned for Parents and 5th Graders separately. Survey to go out to learn needs and questions
      7. Parent/Caregiver Appreciation Day: Instead of Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, Principal Matos would like to have a general parents appreciation day
      8. Parent Workout Classes: Scheduled 9-10 classes in May-June with local personal trainer to help parent’s exercise
      9. 5th Grade Dance/Carnival: PA might support with a grill for cooking.
      10. Uniform Collections: PA will collect gently used uniforms and clothes for redistributing to parents in need.
      11. Spring Show: Parents can also join the show on June 5th
  5. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Financial report
      1. Current balance: $9,155.93
      2. Recent Transactions:
        1. $535.14 debit: Valentines Day fundraiser materials
        2. $214.28 debit: Full year for PA website hosting
        3. $370 credit: Final payment from Real Photo
    2. PA is in good shape financially to support upcoming events and new programs
  6. Next PA meeting: March 15th 5:30pm
  7. Question: Parent concern on child with ELL needs not receiving proper education
    1. Answer: PA will follow-up via email and alert the administration
  8. Gift Card Winners
    1. Offered 2 $25 metrocards
    2. Online: Nicole
    3. In-person: Steve
  9. Adjournment
  10. 6:09pm

2024-02-09 Meeting Presentation